The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
Ocean Wise Beach Clean Up Community beach cleanups, whether a group of 100 people or 2, are a great way to pay it back to the beaches and ocean we…
Ocean Wise Beach Clean Up Community beach cleanups, whether a group of 100 people or 2, are a great way to pay it back to the beaches and ocean we…
Howe Sound, located on the South West coast of British Columbia and stretching from West Vancouver to Squamish, has long been one of Canada’s marine treasures and recreational…
We’re reprinting here a lively account of the June 27th ‘Round Bowen Challenge as reported by racer and colleague Bob Putnam, owner of Deep Cove Canoe & Kayak. It was…
Wow! 2014 was quite a year. Martin Clarke handed over the paddles to me, the weather gods shone brightly and it was an amazing first year. At the beginning of…
Hutt Island, off the North West corner of Bowen Island, is a fine destination for a paddle. From Snug Cove, paddle north, with Diamond Head in view, for 5k before…
Apart from the belated but very welcome arrival of summer to Bowen’s shores, there is nothing that has quite lifted the spirits of people in the Howe Sound area, than…